
Mengikuti Social Innovation Camp Asia


Hae, sebelumnya selamat tahun baru. Ndak papa baru ngucapin sekarang kan masih bulan Januari

Kali ini saya ingin terita tentang pengalaman saya mengikuti kegiatan Social Innovation Camp Asia. Kegiatan ini merupakan lanjutan dari #SICampJKT yang dulu kami ikuti. Awalnya kami tidak menyangka bisa ikut kegiatan keren ini karena di poster tertulis kalau tim yang berangkat SI Camp Asia hanya juara pertama. Ternyata kami salah karena 3 tim terbaik dari Jakarta berhak untuk mewakili Indonesia dan mengikuti SI Camp Asia yang tahun ini diadakan di Singapura.


Aidnesia won 3rd place in #SICampJKT


Aidnesia won the 3rd place in Social Innovation Camp Jakarta. Congrats team \o/


Menjadi Finalis Social Innovation Camp 2013

September baru saja berlalu, cukup banyak hal menarik yang terjadi selama sebulan yang lalu. Diawali dari berita bahagia, yaitu lolos sebagai finalis di program Social Innovatian Camp Asia (SI Camp) di Jakarta.


Hello Universe


(taken from 6D seat, in my trip to Singapore)

When I tried to remember my childhood time, I could not tell you all of those precious moments. Do you know why? Well, that was because they were not well-documented. There were so many moments, pictures, photos, documents, notes and other memories that has been lost until I regret those all. I think this is bad for me because memory is an experience, it is the best teacher for us. I have been failed to win contest in 99designs until the 23th contest then I finally won and got my first client. Yes, I learn a lot from my experience in the past.

The whole memories become a story. It is always compelling when people tell their story. I love to read story, it makes me imagine myself become a part of their story, feel the experience, atmosphere and learn from it. I want to be a nice storyteller too.

Yesterday, I found a nice article about storyteller.

“Great stories happen to those who can tell them.” —
Ira Glass

After I read the article, I realize that I am a bad storyteller. I tried to figure out why. For me as a designer, it is important for me to be a nice storyteller. I should be able to talk about product background, design philosophy and other compelling things to my client. Then I learned that if I want to be a good storyteller, I should start writing my moments because it will make me easier to remember.

Therefore, I want to start writing again after almost 2 years since I wrote my last post on my old blog. Writing a post is about desire and confession. I just want to share my thought, story, or even memory.

Oh yes, why did I write my post in English? Because I want to start practicing my English. Nice to meet you.